Introduction. Phytophthora infestans sensu lato is the phytopathogen causing late blight in solanaceae, with environmental, economic and food safety impacts. It presents high disease incidence and accelerated genetic changes. Objective. To evaluate the genetic variability of populations of P. infestans sensu lato isolated from solanaceae in municipalities of southern Colombia. Materials and methods. Forty isolates of P. infestans sensu lato were obtained from four solanaceous hosts from municipalities of Nariño and Putumayo. DNA was extracted and amplified with five microsatellite markers. The bands were visualized on 3% agarose gels and measured with ImageJ. Data analysis was performed with the Poppr package and STRUCTURE software. Results. High polymorphism was obtained with amplification of more than four alleles per locus, presence of triploidy and high genetic diversity with 40 unique multilocus genotypes, compared to other regions of the country. Populations were structured according to their host with a genetic differentiation (Gst) between 0.39 and 0.73, probably due to host preference and the use of alternative hosts. Linkage disequilibrium analysis suggests possible sexual reproduction in P. infestans populations obtained from potato and P. betacei from tree tomato. Conclusion. The analysis with five microsatellite markers identified a high level of polymorphism in P. infestans sensu lato populations and high intrapopulation variability for southern Colombia, as well as population structure according to host.
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