revista accb, artículos académicos, artículos. biología, ciencias, ACCB, biologicas

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Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS)
sífilis (MeSH, DeSC) knowledge
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

How to Cite

Viveros S, A. ., Valdés M, P. A. ., Gallego P, A. S. ., & Freire T, M. E. . (2021). Level of knowledge of Syphilis in adolescents of two Educational Institutions of the Buenaventura district. REVISTA DE LA ASOCIACION COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS, 1(33), 10–20.


Objective: To establish the level of knowledge about syphilis in adolescents of two Educational Institutions in the district of Buenaventura of the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades. Material and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study in young people between 12 and 18 years; convenience sample of 420 students. An anonymous survey divided into five sections was applied. Sociodemographic characteristics, habits, sexual life, and knowledge about STIs were determined. Results: 91% said they know about STIs, and 22.4% said they knowing the signs and symptoms. STI diagnoses were presented in 3.1%; not report syphilis cases. 51.9% said that knew about syphilis, 10% said they know signs and symptoms. 16% said they knew about mechanism prevention. 4% of students have a good level of knowledge about syphilis. About sexual activity 58.7% had started sexual life, 28% had their first encounter at age 11 or less, they were principally male. 33.8% had one sexual partner, followed by 23.8% with six or more sexual partners. Institutional Analysis showed that 8.9% (rural) and 3% (urban) of the students, were at a good level of knowledge. When evaluating knowledge about STDs, it was found that 85% (urban) and 96% (rural) students say they know, however, when inquiring about the symptoms, in rural and urban areas, 21 % and 23% respectively are aware of it. Conclusions: The highest percentage of students surveyed has a bad level of knowledge about syphilis, where the highest % was in clinical manifestations, the prevention, and cure of said disease; although adolescents have multiple sources of knowledge, this information is deficient, especially that shared by the parents and the couple.


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